Monday, February 15, 2010

Burning, Bloating, And Smelling What Are These Symptoms A Sign Of? Please Help?

What are these symptoms a sign of? please help? - burning, bloating, and smelling

What are the symptoms of a character?

- Fatigue
- Even during the day, falling asleep and waking in the night much
- To urinate frequently (no odor, no clouds, no burning)
- Supporters
- Headaches often
- More irritable
- Moodie normal
- Face broke out (which is rare)
- The change in my vision (my eyes feel tension, even with contacts or glasses)
- Constipation
- Nevousness / Fear
- Losing Patience

--- I know that many of the symptoms, but I have experienced this for about a week and a half ...

No idea what it is please say:)


CJ said...

My God, there are many things that could be bad for someone here a better idea. Going to the doctor!

Bobandy Consulting LLC said...

Are you:

1) Pregnant women
2) You have a systemic lupus erythematosus

You can expect from the pregnancy, because all the indications are lupus, an incurable, painful illness and death.

Good luck, my friend. It sucks when the pregnancy is the only option.

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