Sunday, January 17, 2010

Surprised I Got Spanked By Her If You Discipline Your Kids By Hitting Them, Would You Be Surprised If They Hit You Back One Day?

If you discipline your kids by hitting them, would you be surprised if they hit you back one day? - surprised i got spanked by her

Talk me into / whipped cream / spine in the course of your life every time he was all about. Then, one day they will of their size or larger, the beaten and beaten in the face. What would you do? Get into a fight with them? Call the police? Be proud of him because of his grandparents? Your children are always afraid that after this?


scoutguy... said...

Your body develops a tolerance for every little thing that comes through, physically, metal, etc, as if you killed the new man and 3 are typically rejected. They were killed as 30 years ago 1 person and one person in the whole country is shocked. My point is most important in the club, starting with the butt of the stick. I think my child beating. I, for myself, if the rules. Only when there is absolutely nessasary make it clear at a position that is Alway done because of the concern for their safety. If I had not been drinking. Discipline should be with a clear head, not carried out with a check. My dad belt, paddle, paddle with holes. It is far from disciplined me. Not always taught me to be caught the Righ But I never learned to. The rationale and the lyrics are always the best choice. However, no threats, no. Threats is better than they convert into shares roar not necessary. I also noticed with my son, obey and listen, if I have a beautifulNOT in my voice. When I raise will not be heard

Rosie said...

Now my son is not a slap step and suggests other children, my children and they always beat their hands to themselves - I have my son does not need a good spanking, and he kept his hands

SOPHiA♥ said...

I do not believe in spanking and beating. I think parents deserve what they get when the kids are older and can defend themselves. If it is only the discipline of the beatings, the little boy, .. not just "big U PUNCH Opposite" when HES

olschool... said...

Since the word "slap" I can not answer this question. Yes, I would be very surprised. And the next time would be the first time. When we reached the point spanking, all my girls know and understand the best thing to do is get it over with and move on. If they take every time they beat us, he will get to continue his tour in our tour to two

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