Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hiv Meds My Cousin Was Diagnosed With HIV But Says He Need No Meds?

My cousin was diagnosed with HIV but says he need no meds? - hiv meds

Gay My cousin was diagnosed with HIV, just over 2 years. He never told anyone in the family except one aunt who comes to the rest of the family, as he said, with Mercer hospital last year. Well, now we are all aware of his illness, we realize that not taking medication. He says the virus is so low, not yet determined in their immune system. Is that possible, or in denial?


amandare... said...

Prior to antiviral drugs has begun the CD4 cell count of less than about 350th

There are some recent studies show that new anti-viral drugs should be started immediately after diagnosis to protect - most direct control of the virus and the immune system as much as possible.

Your cousin needs to go back and talk to your doctor. Especially with a diagnosis of MRSA infection and were hospitalized, their immune system is compromised by symptoms.

Should I be tested regularly?

LINDA R said...

It is possible that your friend is in the rejection, but it is also possible that you tell the truth when he says he does not have prescription drugs. HIV damages the immune system by destroying CD4 cells. After the HIV specialists with whom I work, the general guideline for the treatment of HIV is to start treatment when the CD4 count drops to 350 or less.

Topher said...

!!!!!! The absolute refusal on the use of drugs, while HIV is such that the amount of virus in the body is still weak. Once the amount of the virus begins to rise steadily, can not slow drug able enough to keep a healthy level. NO doctor would still not NEED MEDS

Megan said...

I think he may not need medication, but, but I'm surprised they have nothing to strengthen their immune system or to try to keep it. They expect more sick to do something? That does not make much sense to me, but ..... ?

roastdaw... said...

As long as your cells start out of control in general, there is no need for drugs. The disease has a time to be active enough to interfere with the host. Probably not a lie.

emschick... said...

possible that no medication is prescribed ... then it can .. Your decision Her life would be extended if you so sad?

xxx_foxt... said...

You may have chosen not just for drugs.

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